
1994年6月采集自贵州樊净山和荔波茂 兰保护区的虫草属真菌, 中国新记录种 --- 螳螂虫草 (Cordyceps mantidaecola kob. et Shim.) 和属于蛇形 虫草亚属头状组的一新种 ---贵州虫草 (Cordyceps guizhouensis Liu, Liang et Liu sp. nov.). 贵州虫草 寄生于刺蛾茧上, 茧表面褐色, 椭圆形, 大小为 4-6 X 5 mm, 在一个茧上可以长1-2根子座,子座单生, 不分支, 圆 柱形, 高 1.5-5; 柄和可孕部分界线不明, 粗细相当, 直 径1-2 mm, 均为淡黄色, 可孕部分皮层为丝状细胞的伪柔 组织, 有的柄部为白色; 子囊壳散埋生, 梨形,黄色, 230-250 X 160-180 micrometer; 子囊为棍棒状或纺锤形 , 60-140 X 5-8 micrometer, 头部 3-4 micrometer; 每 个子囊中有8个子囊孢子, 子囊孢子梭形, 具 3-4 个隔膜 ,40-60 X 0.8-1.7 micrometer, 不断裂成次生子囊孢子 .
Abstract Five species of the genus Appendiculella from China in this paper were reported. Among them Appendiculella malloti B.Song et Y.X.Hu parasitic onMallotus philippensis (Lam.) Muell. -Arg. (Euphorbiaceae) is a new species, Appendiculella arisanensis (Yam.) Hansf., Appendiculella konishii (Yam.) Hansf.,Appendiculella sinsuiensis (Yam.) Hansf., and Appendiculella styracicola (Yam.) Hansf. are new records to the mainland of China. All specimens studied are deposited in theHerbarium of Guangdong Institute of Microbiology (HMIGD), Guangzhou, China.
关键词 螳螂虫草, 贵州虫草, 虫草, 新种
期刊 菌物系统 16(2):97-101, 1997
Publication Mycosystema (Chinese; original name: Acta Mycologica Sinica), 16(4):pp.244-246, 1997
分享省市 贵州省江口县
Place Wuming County, Guangxi Zhuang Nationalit
采集地 武陵山区樊净山自然保护区阔叶林中刺蛾的茧上发 育的虫草
Environment The specimen are the leaves of Malloti philippensis (Lam.) Muell. -Arg. of family Euphorbriaceae with black ill spot, it collected from Daming Mountain (Damingshan) Natural Protection Region.
生态环境 中亚热带湿润季风气候阔叶林区
寄主 刺蛾的茧
Habitat subtropical monsoon climate mixed broad-leaf and bush forest area
Host on the leaves of Malloti philippensis (Lam.) Muell. -Arg. of family Euphorbriaceae
采集人 刘作易
Isolation Person Hu Yanxing
保存单位 贵州农学院虫生真菌资源研究所虫草研究实验 室, 贵阳 550025
Preservation Unit Mycological Herbarium, Guangdong Institute of Microbiology, Guangzhou 510070, Guangdong Province, China