
Cuisine and effectiveness: private food
Technology: fried
Red wings production materials: Ingredients: chicken wings
Sauce: ½ cup of red wine, onion, salt, a spoon, milk, half a cup or more, 1 tablespoon sugar, two spoonfuls of tomato sauce
1 Wash chicken wings, marinated with red wine and sugar for half an hour.
2, pour hot oil pan, put soy ginger pot, then poured into the pan with red wine and chicken wings, stir fry. Salt.
Three, stir a moment, adding tomato sauce, sauté for a while, into the milk. Stamp burn 10 minutes.
4 chicken wings cooked, add onions fry, leaves the pot.
Tip: Add milk to conduct based on personal taste, if you like milk and heavier flavor, you can put in more. Sweet and sour, very refreshing. Wire with green pepper and onion can also be replaced. Will look better. I personally like to eat onions. Red wings